Membership and Activities in International Scientific Organisations
Prof. PhDr. Daniela Müglová, PhD.
- member of Central European Circle of German Scholars (Mitteleuropäischer Germanisten Verband Mitteleuropa Zentrum für Staats-, Wirtschafts- und Kulturwissenschaften an der TU Dresden)
- member of SUNG (Association of German Language Teachers and German Scholars)
- member of project group of postgradual research in translation studies
(Warrantor of Institut de Traducteurs, d’Interpretes et Relations) - member of the Scientific Committee of doctoral study in Translation Studies at the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University in Prague (until 2019)
Doc. Mgr. Edita Hornáčková Klapicová, PhD.
- member of the Editorial Board of Cambridge Scholars Publishing
- member of International Advisory Board for Association of Educational Sciences
- member of the Editorial Board of the linguistic journal Topics in Linguistics (indexed in the SCOPUS database)
- member of COST – inter-governmental structure for European collaboration in science and technology that enables coordination of research on a European level
- member of the Conference Board International Masaryk Conference, MAGNANIMITAS, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
- member of the Editorial Board Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute, Kazakhstan
- member of team of experts at European Center for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe
Doc. Mgr. Soňa Hodáková, PhD.
- member od the working group on PSIT and Languages of Lesser Difussion -EMT (DGT)
- member of Council of Editors of Translation & Interpreting Studies for Open Science
Doc. Mgr. Emília Perez, PhD.
- member of the Executive Board of the European Master’s in Translation network (EMT)
- member of the international association ESIST (European Association for Studies in Screen Translation)
- leader of the EMT working group on AVT and media accessibility training in Europe
- member of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS)
- member of the Scientific Committee of the international Journal of Audiovisual Translation
- member of the Scientific Committee of the journal Hieronymus: Journal of Translation Studies and Terminology
Doc. Mgr. Monika Šavelová, PhD.
- member of the international association AILC/ICLA (Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée/International Comparative Literature Association)
- member of the international association Česko-slovenskej asociácie porovnávacej literárnej vedy
- member of the international society EST (European Society for Translation Studies)
- member of the international association AdI (Associazione degli Italianisti)
Doc. PaedDr. Oľga Wrede, PhD.
- member of the scientific society Mitteleuropäischer Germanistenverband (MGV), Germany
- member of the scientific society Gesellschaft für Sprache und Sprachen e.V. (GeSuS), Germany
- member of the international terminological association Deutscher Terminologie Tag e.V. (DTT), Germany
- member of the international association Jednota tlmočníkov a prekladateľov (JTP), Czech Republic
- member of the Editorial Board of the scientific journal Translatologia, Slovenia
- member of the association Studierende und Alumni der Bayreuther Interkulturellen Germanistik (sabig), Germany
- member of the association DAAD-Alumni und Stipendiaten, Germany
Mgr. MSc. Eva Spišiaková, PhD
- member of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS)
PhDr. Jana Ukušová, PhD.
- member of the international organisation ESIST (European Association for Studies in Screen Translation)
Mgr. Mária Koscelníková, PhD.
- member of the international organisation ESIST (European Association for Studies in Screen Translation)
Membership and Activities in Local Scientific Organisations
Prof. PhDr. Daniela Müglová, CSc.
- member of the Scientific Committee of Foreign Language and Literature Didactics at the Faculty of Education of the Comenius University in Bratislava (until 2023)
- member of the University Grant Agency committee – Literary Sciences, Linguistics, Translation Studies of the FA, CPU in Nitra
- member of the committee for the doctoral studies in 11 Philology: study programme Translation Studies at the FA, CPU in Nitra
- member of the habiliation committee in the field Translation Studies at the FA, CPU in Nitra
- member of the Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies – inauguration of professors in the field Translation and Interpreting at the FA, CPU
- member of the Quality Board for CPU in Nitra
- reviewer and expert for the Slovak grant agencies VEGA, KEGA, and APVV for the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic
- member of the Scientific Board of the international scientific journal Bridge: Trends and Traditions in Translation and Interpreting Studies
- member of the Board of Consultants of the Interpreting Institute of FA, CPU in Nitra
- member of committies for the certification of sworn translators and interpreters
Doc. Mgr. Edita Hornáčková Klapicová, PhD.
- member of the Scientific Committee for doctoral study in 38 Teaching and pedagogical sciences focused on linguiodidactics at FA, CPU in Nitre
- member of the Scientific Committee for doctoral study in 11 Philology: study programme Translation Studies at FA, CPU in Nitra
Doc. Mgr. Soňa Hodáková, PhD.
- member of the Editorial Board of the international scientific journal Bridge: Trends and Traditions in Translation and Interpreting Studies
- member of the committee for the doctoral studies in 11 Philology: study programme Translation Studies at the FA, CPU in Nitra
Doc. Mgr. Emília Perez, PhD.
- co-founding member of the Editorial Board and current editor-in-chief of the journal Bridge: Trends and Traditions in Translation and Interpreting Studies
- member of the Editorial Board of the journal Kritika prekladu
- member of the committee for the doctoral studies in 11 Philology: study programme Translation Studies at the FA, CPU in Nitra
- member of the habiliation committee in 11 Philology: study programme Translation Studies at the FA, CPU in Nitra
- member of the committee for the doctoral study programme English Language and Anglophone Cultures at the FA, UP in Prešov
- member of the committee for the doctoral study programme Translation and Interpreting at the FA, MBU in Banská Bystrica
Doc. Mgr. Monika Šavelová, PhD.
- member of the scientific board of the journal Mladá veda
- member of the Editorial Board of the journal Phi. Philologia Romanistica Cultura
- member of the civic association DoSlov
- member of the Slovak Society of Translators of Scientific and Technical Literature (SSPOL)
- vice-chair of the civic society Romanistica Nitriensia
Doc. PaedDr. Oľga Wrede, PhD.
- member of the scientific society Verband der Deutschlehrer und Germanisten der Slowakei (SUNG)
- member of the Slovak Society of Translators of Scientific and Technical Literature (SSPOL)
- member of the Editorial Board of the scientific journal Slowakische Zeitschrift für Germanistik (SZfG)
- member of the committee for the doctoral studies in 11 Philology: study programme Translation Studies at the FA, CPU in Nitra
- member/chair of the examination board for professional examinations of translators and interpreters appointed by the Minister of Justice of the Slovak Republic for the German language
- director of the Tlmočnícky ústav (Institute of Interpretation) FA CPU in Nitra
- chair of the board of consultants of the Tlmočnícky ústav (Institute of Interpretation) FA CPU in Nitra
Doc. PhDr. Andrej Zahorák, PhD.
- member of the Slovak society for literary translators (SSPUL)
- member of the civic association DoSlov
- member of the committee for the doctoral studies in 11 Philology: study programme Translation Studies at the FA, CPU in Nitra
PhDr. Jana Ukušová, PhD.
- member of the Editorial Board of the international scientific journal Bridge: Trends and Traditions in Translation and Interpreting Studies
Mgr. Mária Koscelníková, PhD.
- member of the civic association DoSlov
Mgr. Matej Martinkovič, PhD.
- member of the Editorial Board of the international scientific journal Bridge: Trends and Traditions in Translation and Interpreting Studies