The Department of Translation Studies informs its students about current internship opportunities through the department’s communication channels and at specific events intended to promote internships. The guarantor of the internships that fall under the compulsory translation and interpreting practice is doc. Mgr. Emília Perez, Phd. (
Long-Term Alumni Career Projects
AZU – Activity Brings Success
“The national development AZU project (slk. Aktivita zvyšuje úspech/Activity increases success) has been created to help university alumni find work. We believe that everything can be done better, more responsibly and, thus, be made more transparent than ever before. Our aim is to enable students view things in an utterly different perspective. We believe that everybody can make a living, provided they have been given adequate education and sufficient information.”
More info at:
Work in Europe – EURES
“The EURES advisers are consultants trained by the European Commission who offer information, counselling and mediation/brokerage services to clients throughout Europe. EURES has an important role in cross-border regions. EURES advisers offer help and advice, including the rights and obligations of workers, who live in one country and work in another.”
More info at:
Translating for the European Commission
“DG Translation offers a small number of traineeships each year. The traineeships take five months and are open to graduates looking to gain some professional translation experience within the European institutions. The linguistic and academic requirements are the same as for permanent translators.”
More info at:
Interpreting for the European Commission
Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family
Almost all alumni are required to visit their local labour office right after finishing their studies. It is necessary to find out what documents in particular are needed in order to get registered.
More information at: or directly at the labour office in one’s place of residence.