Project title: Mental HEALTH 4 ALL: Development and implementation of a digital platform for the promotion of access to mental healthcare for low language proficient third-country nationals in Europe/MHEALTH4ALL
Coordinator: doc. Mgr. Soňa Hodáková, PhD.
Duration: 2022 – 2024
Project title: SK-AT-23-0010 Implementation of a digital online tool for teaching reading comprehension in German language
Leading researcher: Erzsébet Szabó
Research team: Erzsébet Szabó – Eva Spišiaková – Eva Stranovská – Anikó Ficzere – Ervín Weiss – Ivan Haringa
Duration: 7/2024 – 6/2026
Project title: Kompetenz – Resilienz – Effizienz. Gemeinsam auf dem Weg zu einem komplexen Profil in der Ausbildung angehender Kommunaldolmetscher*innen (Aktion Österreich-Slowakei)
Coordinator: doc. Mgr. Soňa Hodáková, PhD.
Duration: 2023-2024
Project number and title: APVV-21-0198 Translation and Aspects of Reception of Social Science and Humanities Texts as Cultural and Literary Transfer in the 20th Century
Duration: 07/2022 – 06/2026
Coordinator: Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, v. v. i.
Leading researcher: prof. PhDr. Bednárová Katarína CSc.
Research team members from FA CPU in Nitra: doc. PhDr. Andrej Zahorák, PhD., PhDr. Ľudmila Pánisová, PhD.
Project number and title: VEGA -> 2/0092/23 Translation and Translating in the History and Present of the Slovak Cultural Space. Transformations of Forms, Status and Functions: Texts, Personalities, Institutions
Leading researcher: doc. Mgr. Emília Perez, PhD.
Research team: doc. PhDr. Andrej Zahorák, PhD., Mgr. Monika Šavelová, PhD., Mgr. Mária Koscelníková, PhD., Mgr. Matej Martinkovič, PhD.
Duration: 1/2023 – 12/2026
Project number and title: VEGA -> 1/0113/23 Špecifiká lokalizácie softvérových produktov v jazykovom páre slovenčina – angličtina
Leading researcher: PhDr. Marián Kabát, PhD.
Research team: Mgr. Mária Koscelníková, PhD.
Duration: 01/2023 – 12/2026
Project number and title: VEGA -> 1/0195/22 The skill of natural interpreting in bilingual and multilingual children
Leading researcher: Dr. habil. Edita Hornáčková Klapicová, PhD.
Duration: 2022 – 2024
Number and title: KEGA -> 038UKF-4/2022 Precedentness as a Tool in Testing and Improving the Intercultural Competence of Students of Translation Studies
Leading researcher: doc. PhDr. Andrej Zahorák, PhD.
Research team: doc. Mgr. Emília Perez, PhD., doc. Mgr. Soňa Hodáková, PhD., Mgr. Jana Ukušová, PhD., Mgr. Mária Koscelníková, PhD.
Duration: 2022 – 2024
Number and title: KEGA -> 010UKF-4/2022 Návrh kolaboratívneho vzdelávania v oblasti PSI na Slovensku: dizajn, implementácia a evaluácia kurzov zameraných na tréning tlmočníkov vo verejnej službe)
Leading researcher: doc. Mgr. Soňa Hodáková, PhD.
Research team: prof. PhDr. Daniela Müglová, CSc., doc. Mgr. Emília Perez, PhD., Mgr. Jana Ukušová, PhD.
Duration: 2022 – 2024
Number and title: UGA III/10/2023 Specificities of subtitling as a specific transfer of Slovak audiovisual works to a foreign language
Leading researcher: Mgr. Jana Ukušová, PhD.
Duration: 2023 – 2024
Number and title: UGA III/7/2023 Editing practice in Slovakia as a part of transfer process
Leading researcher: Mgr. Matej Martinkovič, PhD.
Duration: 2023 – 2024
The Department of Translation Studies cooperates with international universities and collaborates on international projects (Institute of Translation and Interpreting and International Relations of Marc Bloch University in Strasbourg, France; University of Leipzig, Germany; Faculty of Arts, Ostrava University in Ostrava, Czech Republic).
Project title: Mental HEALTH 4 ALL: Development and implementation of a digital platform for the promotion of access to mental healthcare for low language proficient third-country nationals in Europe/MHEALTH4ALL
Coordinator: doc. Mgr. Soňa Hodáková, PhD.
Duration: 2022 – 2024
Partners: Universidad de Alcalá (Spain), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium), University Of Surrey (UK), Vilniaus Universitetas (Lithuania), Stichting Gezondheid Allochtonen Nederland (The Netherlands), Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (Germany), Uniwersytet Warszawski (Poland), Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre (Slovakia), Università degli studi di Genova (Italy), Associatie Marokkaanse Artsen Nederland (The Netherlands), European Network For Public Service Interpreting And Translation, Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Wspierania Psychiatrii Dzieci I Mlodziezy Vis-a-Vis
Project title: SK-AT-23-0010 Implementation of a digital online tool for teaching reading comprehension in German language
Leading researcher: Erzsébet Szabó
Research team: Erzsébet Szabó – Eva Spišiaková – Eva Stranovská – Anikó Ficzere – Ervín Weiss – Ivan Haringa
Duration: 7/2024 – 6/2026
Annotation: The project is based on the current social needs for the promotion and development of reading skills in mother tongue and foreign language, in this case the teaching of German as a foreign language. The interest in reading and thus the development of reading skills in German language classes depends crucially on the texts used. The reading texts should be up-to-date and authentic, close to the target group, so that the content of the texts is interesting and appealing to them. At the same time, the texts used should be appropriate for the level of language proficiency. For these reasons, the relevance of the issue addressed in the project lies in the use of a digital online tool that allows keyword-based searches for texts on the desired, specific topics and language level. The digital online tool was developed as part of the LATILL project, which was led by the team of the Department of German as a Foreign and Second Language (Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache) at the University of Vienna. It retrieves texts on the basis of the language proficiency levels set out in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The tool is available on an online platform for German language teachers. The project will test the use of the developed digital online tool in cooperation with university departments in Austria and Slovakia and German language teachers in Austrian and Slovak schools, thus creating a new international cooperation based on the exchange and sharing of the experience of working with the digital online tool for selecting texts for reading and thus supporting the development of pupils’ reading skills as well as their motivation for reading texts.
Project title: Kompetenz – Resilienz – Effizienz. Gemeinsam auf dem Weg zu einem komplexen Profil in der Ausbildung angehender Kommunaldolmetscher*innen (Aktion Österreich-Slowakei)
Coordinator: doc. Mgr. Soňa Hodáková, PhD.
Duration: 2023-2024
Project title: Project CEEPUS – exchange programmes for students and teachers
Coordinator: Mgr. Jozef Stefčík, PhD.
Duration: original duration 2 years (2012–2014)
Duration of students’ exchange programmes: 1 – 3 months
Duration of teachers’ exchange programmes: 7 – 10 days
Project number: CIII-SI-0711-01-1213TRANS – TRANSkulturelle Kommunikation und TRANSlation
The CEEPUS network currently consists of 18 universities from 11 countries. You can find more information about the project here.
Project title: Multilateral Academic Networks – OPTIMALE
Optimising Professional Translator Training in a Multilingual Europe
Coordinator: Prof. PhDr. Edita Gromová, CSc.
Duration: 2010 – 2013
Project number: 177295-LLP-1-2010-1-FR-ERASMUS-ENWA
Partners: 65 EU partners and 5 „Third Country“ partners from 31 countries
Project title: Kierkegaard’s Mirror for the Present Age – Toronto University
Coordinator: Doc. Roman Králik, PhD.
Research team: PhDr. Ľuboš Török, PhD. – Máhrik, T. – Khan, A.
Duration: 2009 – 2010
Partners: Toronto University
Project number and title: APVV-21-0198 Translation and Aspects of Reception of Social Science and Humanities Texts as Cultural and Literary Transfer in the 20th Century
Duration: 07/2022 – 06/2026
Coordinator: Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, v. v. i.
Leading researcher: prof. PhDr. Bednárová Katarína CSc.
Research team members from FA CPU in Nitra: doc. PhDr. Andrej Zahorák, PhD., PhDr. Ľudmila Pánisová, PhD.
Project number and title: APVV-18-0473 Classification Model of Machine Translation Error Rate: A Step Towards a More Objective Evaluation of Translation Quality
Leading researcher: Doc. RNDr. Daša Munková, PhD.
Duration: 7/2019 – 6/2023
Research team: Mgr. Tomáš Bánik, PhD. – Mgr. Ľubomír Benko – Mgr. Lucia Benková – doc. Mgr. Štefan Beňuš, PhD. – Mgr. Jana Boltižiar – Mgr. Beáta Ďuračková, PhD. – prof. PhDr. Juraj Glovňa, CSc. – Mgr. Ivana Horváthová – Mgr. Silvia Hvozdíková, PhD. – Mgr. Barbara Jakubičková – doc. PaedDr. Jozef Kapusta, PhD. – Mgr. Renáta Machová, PhD. – prof. PhDr. Daniela Müglová, CSc. – doc. RNDr. Michal Munk, PhD. – PhDr. Ľudmila Pánisová, PhD. – Mgr. Patrik Petráš, PhD. – RNDr. Ján Skalka, PhD. – doc. PaedDr. Eva Stranovská, PhD. – Mgr. Katarína Welnitzová, PhD. – PaedDr. Oľga Wrede, PhD. – prof. PhDr. Juraj Vaňko, CSc.
Project number and title: APVV-14-0336 Error Typology in Machine Translation into Slovak Language as a Flective Type of Language
Leading researcher: Doc. RNDr. Daša Munková, PhD.
Duration: 7/2015 – 6/2018
Research team: Ľubomír Benko – Jozef Kapusta – Michal Munk – Patrik Petráš – Juraj Glovňa – Andrej Zahorák – Jozef Štefčík – Oľga Wrede – Eva Stranovská – Igor Tyšš – Silvia Hvozdíková – Ľudmila Pánisová – Katarína Welnitzová – Edita Gromová – Mária Matiová – Valéria Švecová – Soňa Hodáková – prof. PhDr. Juraj Vaňko, CSc.
Annotation: The project deals with machine translation (MT) and its quality. It has a strong interdisciplinary character and it is a unique project in the given field of research not only in Slovakia, but worldwide. The aim of the project is to process the natural language in its entirety in MT from English and German into Slovak as the flective type of language. Three departments of CPU in Nitra – Department of Translation Studies, Department of Slovak Language and Department of Informatics – participate in the project.
Project number and title: APVV-0451-10 Linguistic Intervention Programme
Leading researcher: Doc. PaedDr. Eva Stranovská, PhD.
Duration: 05/2011 – 10/2014
Research team: Eva Stranovská, Daša Munková, Jana Hučková, Silvia Hvozdíková, Soňa Hodáková, Daniela Muglová, Michal Munk, Zuzana Fráterová, Marta Popelková, Lucia Jechová, Mária Schmidtová, Eva Malá, Beáta Ďuračková, Emília Janecová, Ján Želonka, Ivan Sarmány- Schuller
Annotation: The project is aimed at screening the potentials of future teachers, subsequent growth, support, verification of effects and stability of linguistic intervention programme for future teachers of a foreign language and future teachers of other study fields (foreign language for academic purposes as a general basis) and their comparison. The research will be carried out in two streams: students who primarily study the language, linguists and students who study the language only secondarily or as a means of international cooperation in their field.
Project number and title: VEGA -> 2/0092/23 Translation and Translating in the History and Present of the Slovak Cultural Space. Transformations of Forms, Status and Functions: Texts, Personalities, Institutions
Leading researcher: doc. Mgr. Emília Perez, PhD.
Research team: doc. PhDr. Andrej Zahorák, PhD., Mgr. Monika Šavelová, PhD., Mgr. Mária Koscelníková, PhD., Mgr. Matej Martinkovič, PhD.
Duration: 1/2023 – 12/2026
Project number and title: VEGA -> 1/0113/23 Špecifiká lokalizácie softvérových produktov v jazykovom páre slovenčina – angličtina
Leading researcher: PhDr. Marián Kabát, PhD.
Research team: Mgr. Mária Koscelníková, PhD.
Duration: 01/2023 – 12/2026
Project number and title: VEGA -> 1/0195/22 Prirodzené tlmočnícke zručnosti u dvojjazyčných a viacjazyčných detí
Leading researcher: Dr. habil. Edita Hornáčková Klapicová, PhD.
Duration: 2022 – 2024
Project number and title: VEGA -> 2/0166/19 Translation as part of the cultural process history III. Translation and translating – texts, personalities, institutions in inter- and transdisciplinary relations
Leading researcher: prof. PhDr. Edita Gromová, CSc.
Duration: 1/2019 – 12/2022
Research team: Mgr. Emília Perez, PhD., Mgr. Igor Tyšš, PhD., Mgr. Zuzana Jánošíková (PhD student), Mgr. Mária Koscelníková (PhD student), Mgr. Matej Martinkovič (PhD student)
Annotation: The aims of this inter- and even transdisciplinary project reflect the current developments in translation studies and issues in world literature and comparative literature. Moreover, the project has been designed to connect these discourses to what is currently going on in other fields of the humanities (philosophy, cultural history, sociology, oral history, etc.) and natural sciences (human geography, inferential statistics, ecology, etc.). The aims of the project are as follows: a) interpretation of significant translations in the Slovak cultural space (with the assessment of their canonical status); b) examination of culturally significant, yet less defining texts, i. e. educational, pragmatic or religious texts, which have not been thoroughly examined so far; c) examining the broad and still evolving field of audio (and/or) visual texts operating in the popular culture. Given the scope of the project’s aims and the research team’s expertise, it is only natural that the research focuses not only on the texts but also on the relevant personalities and institutions.
Project number and title: VEGA 1/0195/22 The skill of natural interpreting in bilingual and multilingual children
Leading researcher: Dr. habil. Edita Hornáčková Klapicová, PhD.
Duration: 2022 – 2024
Annotation: The present project is meant to contribute to the fields of translation and bilingual acquisition focusing on different cases of natural interpreting of several bilingual children. We will address the issue of bilingual competence in relationship to natural interpretation skills and metalinguistic skills in the participants. The results of the studies carried out within this project should shed light on the question whether bilingual children can become proficient interpreters without receiving formal training in interpretation regardless of the languages involved in the interpreting performance and of the directionality in which they interpret. In fact, there are no studies so far which have analyzed how children with Slovak and/or Czech languages as part of their linguistic background proceed when translating from one language to others. The level of natural interpreting and metalinguistic skills will be studies through the child’s interpretations and story-telling in different language directions.
Project number and title: VEGA -> 2/0200/15 Translation as Part of the History of the Cultural Area II. Facts, Phenomena and Personalities in Translation Activities in the Slovak Cultural Space and the Forms of their Functioning
Leading researcher: Prof. PhDr. Edita Gromová, CSc.
Duration: 3/2015 – 12/2018
Research team from CPU: Igor Tyšš
Annotation: The project examines facts, phenomena and personalities in translation activities in the Slovak cultural space and the forms of their functioning.
Project number and title: VEGA -> 1/0547/14 Subtitling for the Deaf: Standards and Recommendations
Leading researcher: Emília Perez
Duration: 1/2014 – 12/2016
Research team from CPU: Edita Gromová – Soňa Hodáková – Andrej Zahorák
Annotation: The proposed project focuses on defining the specifics of subtitles to audiovisual works for the deaf recipients.
Project number and title: VEGA 1/0589/14 – Slovak Literature in Translation
Leading researcher: prof. PhDr. Gabriela Miššíková, CSc.
Duration: 2014 – 2016
Research team from CPU: doc. Mgr. Elena Ciprianová, PhD., doc. PhDr. Igor Hochel, PhD., doc. PhDr. Peter Kopecký, CSc., PhDr. Ľudmila Pánisová, PhD., doc. Mgr. Alena Smiešková, PhD., doc. Olga Ruda, PhD., Mgr. Igor Tyšš (doktorand), Mgr. Matúš Horváth (doktorand)
Annotation: The aim of the project is to research the topic of translating Slovak literary works into foreign languages, naimly English, German, French, Russian, Italian, Bulgarian, and Romanian. Focus of the project is placed on quantitative and qualitative mapping of translated works, their translators, and publishers as well as the place and reflection of the translations in international literary context.
Project number and title: VEGA -> 1/0559/14 Evaluation of Machine Translation
Leading researcher: Doc. RNDr. Daša Munková, PhD.
Duration: 1/2014 – 12/2016
Research team from CPU: Michal Munk – Katarína Welnitzová – Peter Kopecký – Eva Stranovská – Martin Mačura – Jozef Kapusta – Martin Vozár – Peter Švec – Jaroslav Reichel – Ľudmila Pánisová – Ervín Weiss – Ľubomír Benko – Jozef Štefčík – Soňa Hodáková
Annotation: Evaluation of machine translation (MT) is of great importance to the scientist, commercial company or the user himself. There have been many propositions how to measure quality, some focusing on manual methods of evaluation (ME), others on the automatic methods (AE). Nobody has focused on MT of flective languages. In this project, we focus on the evaluation of MT between SVK and EN/DE/FR using the ME and AE in order to determine to what extent evaluators of the MT quality and ME and AE metric are consistent.
Project number and title: VEGA -> 2/0169/11 Translation as Part of the History of the Cultural Area
Coordinator: Prof. PhDr. Edita Gromová, CSc.
Duration: 1/2011 – 12/2014
Annotation: The project represents the continuation of the long-term systematic literary, cultural and historical translatological research in Slovakia. Thanks to the involvement of several leading Slovak translatologists, the synergy effect of generalizing translation thinking is created, which, in terms of viewing translation as part of the history of Slovak cultural space, seems to be indispensable.
Project number and title: VEGA -> 1/0183/10 Contemporary Fantasy Prose and its Specific Expressive Means in the Context of Translation and Interpretation in Slovakia
Coordinator: PhDr. Michal Vančo, PhD.
Duration: 1/2010 – 12/2011
Annotation: The project is aimed at the identification and subsequent analysis of the form, content and expressive means of translation literature (mainly for children and young people) which comes to our market from the British and American culture. We mostly deal with the works of J. K. Rowling, T. Pratchett, M. Paver, E. Coifer, P. Pullman, A. Horowitz and others. Besides the linguistic and stylistic analysis of the original and its subsequent comparison with the translated Slovak version, the main goal of the project is to analyse those expressive means which ensured that fantasy prose becomes so successful worldwide, in terms of its publishing and number of readers. Expressive means and their interconnection with ontologically emphasised storylines are directly related to readers’ interpretation. Therefore, our main goal is to focus on those invariant text components which show the expected rate of recursion.
Project number and title: VEGA -> 2/0057/08 Translation, History, Culture. Translation Status, Transformation of its Forms and its Research Reflection
Coordinator: Prof. PhDr. Mária Kusá, CSc. (Institute of World Literature, Slovak Academy of Science, Bratislava)
Research team: Prof. PhDr. Edita Gromová, CSc. (project representative for the departments of Ministry of Education)
Duration: 1/2008 – 12/2010
Annotation: The project represents the continuation of literary, cultural and historical translatological research in Slovakia, exceptional in its focus and scope also in wider European contexts. The cultural and historical as well as theoretical reflection of the examined cultural and processed scientific experience focuses on the description, analysis and interpretation of literary translation and reflection.
Number and title: 038UKF-4/2022 Precedentness as a Tool in Testing and Improving the Intercultural Competence of Students of Translation Studies
Leading researcher: doc. PhDr. Andrej Zahorák, PhD.
Research team: doc. Mgr. Emília Perez, PhD., doc. Mgr. Soňa Hodáková, PhD., Mgr. Jana Ukušová, PhD., Mgr. Mária Koscelníková, PhD.
Duration: 2022 – 2024
Number and title: 010UKF-4/2022 Návrh kolaboratívneho vzdelávania v oblasti PSI na Slovensku: dizajn, implementácia a evaluácia kurzov zameraných na tréning tlmočníkov vo verejnej službe)
Leading researcher: doc. Mgr. Soňa Hodáková, PhD.
Research team: prof. PhDr. Daniela Müglová, CSc., doc. Mgr. Emília Perez, PhD., Mgr. Jana Ukušová, PhD.
Duration: 2022 – 2024
Number and title: 030UKF-4/2013 Collaborative Creation of Terminological Databases with the use of Web 2.0 technologies
Leading researcher: PaedDr. Oľga Wrede, PhD.
Duration: 1/2013 – 12/2016
Annotation: The project reacts to the current requirements of the educational and professional practice in the field of terminological work. Terminology as a theoretical discipline and organised system of concepts and terms from a specific thematic field is gaining more and more importance with the development of a multilingual IT society. We build on the premise that specialised terminology represents the basis of knowledge development as well as specialised communication, while it significantly influences the quality of standardisation, and in the end, the quality of specialised communication. The project has an interdisciplinary nature and researchers come from the fields of linguistics and informatics.
Number and title: KEGA 3/6483/08 New Concept of University Education for Translators and Interpreters in Slovakia (Translation and Interpreting in Unified Europe and Internationalization Processes)
Leading researcher: Doc. PhDr. Eva Dekanová, PhD.
Research team: prof. PhDr. Edita Gromová, CSc., prof. PhDr. Daniela Müglová, CSc., Mgr. Michal Dvorecký, PhD., Mgr. Beáta Ďuračková, PhD., Mgr. Soňa Kondelová, PhD., Soňa Kondelová, PhD.
Duration: 1/2008 – 12/2010
Annotation: Analysis of the current state of translation and interpreting at Slovak universities, implementation of new trends in terms of current requirements related to the competence of translators and interpreters in united Europe. New concept of translation and interpreting studies at Slovak universities. Creation of modern university textbooks for specialised translation and interpreting.
Number and title: KEGA 3/6311/08 New Concepts of Language Training for Primary School Teachers
Leading researcher: Prof. PhDr. Daniela Müglová, CSc.
Research team: prof. PhDr. Eva Malá, CSc., prof. PaedDr. Zdenka Gadušová, CSc., prof. Elena Zelenická, CSc., PhDr. Jana Harťanská, PhD., PhDr. Beáta Hockicková, PhD., Mgr. Michal Dvorecký, PhD., Mgr. D. Kanasová
Duration: 2007 – 2010
Annotation: The aim of the project is to develop an innovative concept of foreign language education for pre-school and primary school teachers, including pedagogical documentation and its integration into real-life teaching process. Publishing of the methodical guide “Foreign language with children – creatively and playfully” and organization of workshops on the given topic.
Number and title: UGA III/10/2023 Specificities of subtitling as a specific transfer of Slovak audiovisual works to a foreign language
Leading researcher: Mgr. Jana Ukušová, PhD.
Duration: 2023 – 2024
Number and title: UGA III/7/2023 Editing practice in Slovakia as a part of transfer process
Leading researcher: Mgr. Matej Martinkovič, PhD.
Duration: 2023 – 2024
Number and title: UGA III/11/2023 – Accessibility of Theatrical Performances for the D/deaf and Hard of Hearing Viewers
Leading researcher: Mgr. Eva Verebová
Duration: 2023
Number and title: UGA III/6/2022 Research of videogame localisation in Slovak cultural space
Leading researcher: Mgr. Mária Koscelníková, PhD.
Duration: 2022 – 2023
Number and title: UGA III/6/2021 Survey of editing practice in Slovakia
Leading researcher: Mgr. Matej Martinkovič
Duration: 2021
Number and title: UGA III/11/2020 Aspects of editing practice in Slovakia
Leading researcher: Mgr. Matej Martinkovič
Duration: 2020
Number and title: UGA III/10/2020 Research of translation specifics of videogames in Slovak cultural space
Leading researcher: Mgr. Mária Koscelníková
Duration: 2020
Number and title: UGA III/19/2019 – Sociological approaches to researching audiovisual translation in Slovakia
Leading researcher: Mgr. Igor Tyšš, PhD.
Duration: 2019 – 2020
Number and title: UGA III/20/2019 The issue of equivalentation of medical-social terms in French and Slovak language
Leading researcher: Mgr. Jana Ukušová
Duration: 2019
Number and title: III/7/2019 Research of localization of multimodal content in Slovak media space in regard to child recipient
Leading researcher: Mgr. Mária Koscelníková
Duration: 2019
Project title: III/24/2018 Interactive methods in teaching literary translation and interpreting in combination with German and Russian language
Leading researcher: PhDr. Andrej Zahorák, PhD.
Duration: 2018 – 2019
Number and title: UGA III/7/2018 Audiodescription – from images to words
Leading researcher: Mgr. Zuzana Jánošíková
Duration: 2018
Number and title: UGA III/22/2018 Research of texts dealing with organisation of care system and socio-medical services for the elderly
Leading researcher: Mgr. Jana Ukušová
Duration: 2018
Number and title: UGA II/25/2017 – Survey into the history of audiovisual translation studies in Slovakia
Leading researcher: Mgr. Igor Tyšš, PhD.
Duration: 2017 – 2018
Number and title: UGA III/7/2017 Specific role of recipient in audiovisual translation
Leading researcher: Mgr. Zuzana Jánošíková
Duration: 2017
Number and title: III/26/2017 Audiovisual translation and children viewer
Leading researcher: PhDr. Andrej Zahorák, PhD.
Duration: 2017
Number and title: UGA III/I/2017 The need of competency-based selection and training of post-editors
Leading researcher: Mgr. Jakub Absolon
Duration: 2017
Number and title: UGA III/15/2016 Specifics of Transfer and Reception of Precedent Phenomena in Slovak and German Translations of Contemporary Russian Prose
Leading researcher: PhDr. Andrej Zahorák, PhD.
Duration: 2016
Number and title: UGA III/5/2016 Analysis of audiovisual translation of operative texts in audiovisual advertising translation
Leading researcher: Mgr. Martin Kažimír
Duration: 2016
Number and title: UGA III/1/2016 Machine translation and post editing
Leading researcher: Mgr. Jakub Absolon
Duration: 2016
Number and title: III/16/2015 Literary and Audiovisual Translation in Foreign Language Teaching and Intercultural Communication
Leading researcher: Mgr. Emília Perez, PhD.
Duration: 2015
Number and title: III/15/2015 Slovak Literary and Specialised Literature in Translation: Comparative Studies
Leading researcher: PhDr. Ľudmila Pánisová, PhD.
Duration: 2015
Number and title: III/10/2015 Archaeology of translation (criticism) 2
Leading researcher: Mgr. Igor Tyšš
Duration: 2015
Number and title: III/12/2015 Realia in Intercultural Communication
Leading researcher: Mgr. Andrej Zahorák
Duration: 2015
Number and title: II/11/2014 Archaeology of translation criticism 1
Leading researcher: Mgr. Igor Tyšš
Duration: 2014
Number and title: I-13-207-01 New Approaches to the Didactics of Literary and Audiovisual Translation
Leading researcher: Mgr. Emília Perez, PhD.
Duration: 2013 – 2014
Number and title: II/1/2012 Interdisciplinarity of Stylistic Research and its Significance to Translation Theory and Practice
Leading researcher: Mgr. Ľudmila Adamová
Duration: 2012
Number and title: II/5/2012 New trends in Slovak translatology. Specifics of Ethnic Prose Translation
Leading researcher: Mgr. Emília Janecová
Duration: 2012
Number and title: II/13/2012 Online audio a video library – online support for the study field translation and interpreting
Leading researcher: Mgr. Beáta Ďuračková, PhD.
Duration: 2012
Number and title: II/10/2011 Humour in Literature and Translation
Leading researcher: Mgr. Barbora Kráľová
Duration: 2011
Number and title: II/7/2011 Translation of Audiovisual Texts and its Teaching
Leading researcher: Mgr. Emília Janecová
Duration: 2011
Number and title: II/1/2011 Contemporary Slovak Prose in English Translations
Leading researcher: Mgr. Ľudmila Adamová
Duration: 2011
Number and title: II/20/2011 Analysis of the Influence of Personality Characteristics of the Cognitive Structure on the Ability to Create Syntactic Structures and Speech Acts
Leading researcher: RNDr. Daša Munková, PhD.
Duration: 2011 – 2013
Number and title: II/9/2010 Multicultural Specifics in the Translation of American Ethnic Prose
Leading researcher: Mgr. Emília Janecová
Duration: 2010
Number and title: II/10/2010 Maintaining Ironic Text Modality in Translation
Leading researcher: Mgr. Ingrid Kálaziová
Duration: 2010
Number and title: II/1/2010 Stylistic aspects of Translating Slovak Language and Cultural-Contextual Specifics into English
Leading researcher: Mgr. Ľudmila Adamová
Duration: 2010
Number and title: Contemporary Fantasy Prose and its Specific Expressive Means in the Context of Translation and Reading Reception in Slovakia
Leading researcher: PhDr. Michal Vančo, PhD.
Duration: 2009 – 2011
Title: Computer-Aided Development of Professional Translation Skills of University Graduates and the Application of the Requirements of Labour Market
SOP LZ 2005/1 – 165, project code: 11230100192: 2006-2008
Leading researcher: Prof. PhDr. Edita Gromová, PhD.
Research team: doc. PhDr. Daniela Müglová, CSc. – PhDr. Milan Trizuliak – Mgr. Michal Dvorecký – Mgr. Monika Straňáková, PhD.