We regularly adapt the content of teaching, individual methods and procedures to the current requirements of practice and pay attention to the complexity of the profile that our students acquire through education.
However, we are also interested in ongoing feedback from students, to which we try to respond effectively. For this reason, we regularly conduct a survey to assess the education provided by our department.
Detailed results of the current 2021 survey can be found below.
Students were able to rate individual components of their learning on a scale of 0 (worst) to 5 (best).
Many students agreed that some aspects were more difficult for them to assess due to the current pandemic situation and, as some of them are only at the beginning of their studies, they have not had many opportunities to compare distance with in-person learning, or have not yet attended a large part of the practical seminars in particular.
Nevertheless, in the survey, students respond most positively to the practically oriented subjects in particular. They rated the contribution and importance of these subjects in terms of their field of study with an average of 3.8 points, and the expertise of the teachers who provide them with as much as 4.2 points. In their individual responses, many also appreciated the fact that the teaching of these subjects is carried out by teachers with extensive experience in translation and interpreting in practice.
They also expressed overall satisfaction with the events and activities offered by the department outside the curriculum (average of 3.9 points),as well as the level of communication between teachers and students (3.8 points).
Of course, we do our best to respond to the aspects in teaching that are more problematic from the students’ point of view and thus improve our interaction at the Department of Translation Studies.