About Us

Department of Translation Studies at the Faculty of Arts of Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra offers bachelor and master’s degrees in accredited study programmes of Translation and Interpreting studies in combinations of two foreign languages (English, German, Russian, and Spanish) or of a foreign language and Slovak language. The Department also provides PhD degree in Translation and Interpreting studies.

Our master’s degree study programmes in the field of Translation and Interpreting studies have obtained significant recognition at the international level. Based on a strict international evaluation system, we are entitled to use the EMT (European Master’s in Translation) label and logo (since 2011). We are currently the only university in Slovakia included into the network of top European universities providing a master’s degree in translation. With the EMT certificate awarded to our study programmes and the membership of our university in the EMT network we not only gained international recognition of education quality in the field of translation and interpreting studies, but also benefits for our students in terms of finding work on the European or wider international labour market. The EMT label and logo are respected by all important international employers – e. g. the European institutions and international translation agencies.

Besides the staff of the Department of Translation Studies, colleagues from other departments (such as  Department of English and American Studies, Department of German Studies, Department of Russian Studies, Department of Romance Studies, Department of Slovak Language and Literature, Institute of Literary and Artistic Communication, Department of Philosophy, and Department of Political and European Studies) also participate in the teaching of students within Translation and Interpreting studies.

In the field of scientific research, the Department of Translation Studies follows the rich tradition of translation studies research in Nitra dating back to the 1970s and 1980s. At that time, Nitra was already well known in the field of translation studies both in Slovakia and abroad thanks to Professor Anton Popovič and his colleagues from the Institute of Literary Communication at the former Pedagogical Faculty in Nitra.

The foundations of Popovič’s research had provided the Department a solid basis which has later been developed according to the latest approaches in international translation studies and new challenges that the translation profession has to face.

Scientific research in Nitra:

  • translation and interpreting in intercultural communication,
  • cognitive processes and strategies in translation and interpreting,
  • innovations in the world of translation and interpreting,
  • computer linguistics, terminological databases, computer-aided translation, AI in translation and interpreting,
  • non-literary translation, literary translation and translation editing,
  • dubbing and subtitling,
  • accessibility of media and inclusion in communication,
  • translation and interpreting in public service.