Most of the publications included in the following list are in Slovak only. The English translations of their titles are only informative.
Title: Tradition and Innovation in Translation Studies XIII: Expanding Horizons in Translation Studies: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives (book of abstracts)
Author(s): Eva Verebová – Romana Jurigová
Publication year: 2025
Number of pages: 48
ISBN: 978-80-558-2259-4
Title: Dabingový preklad a preklad titulkov: metodická príručka [Dubbing Translation and Translation fo Subtitles: Methodological Guide]
Author(s): Andrej Zahorák
Publication year: 2024
Number of pages: 30
ISBN: 978-80-558-2246-4
Title: Tradition and Innovation in Translation Studies Research XII: Bridging Cultures and Communities through Translation Studies
Author(s): Eva Verebová – Lenka Žitňanská – Andrej Birčák – Andrej Zahorák
Publication year: 2024
Number of pages: 271
ISBN: 978-80-558-2213-6
Title: Prirodzené tlmočnícke zručnosti u dvojjazyčných a viacjazyčných detí [Natural Interpreting Skills in Bilingual and Multilingual Children]
Author(s): Edita Hornáčková Klapicová
Publication year: 2024
Number of pages: 69
ISBN: 978-80-558-2134-4
Title: Translation Studies in Ukraine as an Integral Part of the European Context
Athor(s): Martin Djovčoš – Ivana Hostová – Mária Kusá – Emília Perez
Publication year: 2023
Number of pages: 190
ISBN: 978-80-224-2015-0
Title: Precedentné fenomény ako nástroj v interpretácii prekladového umeleckého textu [Precedent Phenomena as a Tool in Literary Translation Text Interpretation]
Athor(s): Andrej Zahorák
Publication year: 2022
Number of pages: 129
ISBN: 978-80-558-2000-2
Title: Pracovná pamäť v simultánnom a konzekutívnom tlmočení [Working Memory in Simultaneous and Consecutive Interpretation]
Author(s): Soňa Hodáková
Publication year: 2021
Number of pages: 142
ISBN: 978-80-558-1751-4
Title: Základy tlmočenia v jazykovej kombinácii slovenčina – francúzština: cvičebnica [Interpreting Basics in the Slovak – French Language Pair: An Excersice Book]
Author(s): Jana Ukušová – Soňa Hodáková
Publication year: 2022
Number of pages: 110
ISBN: 978-80-558-1922-8
Title: Kognitívne procesy a osobnosť v tlmočení: čo prináša ich výskum študentom? [Cognitie Processes and Personality in Interpreting: How Does Their Research Help Students?
Author(s): Soňa Hodáková
Publication year: 2022
Number of pages: 165
ISBN: 978-80-558-1921-1
Title: Slovenský dabing a titulkovanie v premenách času [Slovak Dubbing and Dubtitling Across Time]
Author(s): Emília Perez – Miroslava Brezovská – Zuzana Jánošíková
Publication year: 2021
Number of pages: 123
ISBN: 978-80-558-1700-2
Title: Kontúry filmového prekladu a tlmočenia: základné teoretické koncepty a východiská [Contours of Film Translation and Interpreting: Essential theoretical concepts and bases]
Author(s): Emília Perez – Soňa Hodáková
Publication year: 2021
Number of pages: 63
ISBN: 978-80-558-1703-3
Title: Herausforderungen der Globalisierung. Translationswesen in der Slowakei vor dem Hintergrund internationaler Kulturprozesse
Author(s): Daniela Müglová, Oľga Wrede, Edita Gromová
Publication year: 2020
Number of pages: 184
ISBN: 978-3-339-11902-5
Title: Theoretisch-pragmatische Reflexionen zur interlingualen Übersetzung ausgewählter Textsorten des Strafprozessrechts (Deutsch – Slowakisch)
Author(s): Oľga Wrede
Publication year: 2020
Number of pages: 394
ISBN: 978-3-339-12124-0 (Print)
ISBN: 978-3-339-12125-7 (eBook)
Title: Modern approaches in foreign language learning: methodological and psychological issues
Editor(s): Edita Hornáčková Klapicová
Publication year: 2020
Number of pages: 188
ISBN: 978-84-948441-4-0
Title: Tradícia a inovácia v translatologickom vsýkume VII: Inovácia tradície, tradícia inovácie? [Tradition and Innovation in Translation Studies Research VII: Innovation of Tradition, Traditon of Innovation?]
Editor(s): Zuzana Jánošíková – Mária Koscelníková – Jana Ukušová
Publication year: 2019
Number of pages: 135
ISBN: 978-80-558-1459-9
Title: Jiří Levý: zakladatel československé translatologie (kolektívna monografia) [Jiří Levý: The Founder of Czechoslovak Translation Studies (Collective Monograph)]
Author(s): Ivana Kupková, Milan Suchomel, Edita Gromová, Daniela Müglová, Daša Munková, Petra Mračková, Zuzana Vavroušová, Jana Kitzlerová, Radek Malý, Radek Černoch, Zdeňka Vychodilová
Publication year: 2019
Number of pages: 117
ISBN: 978-80-210-9348- 5
Title: Francúzsko-slovenský poľnohospodársky slovník [French-Slovak Agricultural Dictionary]
Author(s): Viera Prídavková, Peter Kopecký
Publication year: 2019
Number of pages: 202
ISBN: 978-80-558-1387-5
Title: Intercultural Aspect in Translation and Reception of Precedent Phenomena
Author: Andrej Zahorák
Publication year: 2019
Number of pages: 134
ISBN: 978-3-631-78107-4
Title: Komunikácia Tlmočenie Preklad alebo Prečo spadla Babylonská veža? (Nové rozšírené vydanie) [Communication, Interpreting, Translation, or Why did the Tower of Babel Collapse? (New Expanded Edition)]
Author: Daniela Müglová
Publication year: 2018
Number of pages: 434
ISBN: 978-80-89132-82-9
Title: Didaktika Prekladu a tlmočenia na Slovensku [Didactics of Translation and Interpreting in Slovakia]
Author(s): Edita Gromová, Daniela Müglová, Alojz Keníž, Miroslava Gavurová, Zuzana Angelovičová, Martin Djovčoš, Pavol Šveda, Markéta Štefková, Lucia Paulínyová, Emília Perez
Publication year: 2018
Number of pages: 243
ISBN: 244 978-80-223-4469-2
Title: Bilingualism in Children: Language Differentiation and the Acquisition of Meaning
Author(s): Edita Hornáčková Klapicová
Publication year: 2018
Number of pages: 84
ISBN: 978-80-558-1459-9
Title: Myslenie o audiovizuálnom preklade na Slovensku: 1952 – 2017 [Audiovisual translation research in Slovakia: 1952-2017]
Author: Igor Tyšš
Publication year: 2018
Number of pages: 68
ISBN: 978-80-558-1374-5
Title: Tradícia a inovácia v translatologickom výskume VI [Tradition and Innovation in Translation Studies Research VI]
Editor(s): Szabolcs Mészáros – Jana Ukušová – Andrej Zahorák
Publication year: 2018
Number of pages: 132
ISBN: 978-80-558-1290-8
Title: Machine Translation: Translation of the Future? Machine Translation in the Context of the Slovak Language.
Authors: Jakub Absolon – Daša Munková – Katarína Welnitzová
Publication year: 2018
Number of pages: 78
ISBN: 978-80-87800-45-4
Title: Teoretické a materiálové sondy do praxeológie a dejín prekladu americkej literatúry na Slovensku v období socializmu: Mladá tvorba a Beat Generation [A Theoretical and Material Survey into the American Literature Praxeology and Translation History in Socialist Slovakia: The Mladá Tvorba Literary Magazine and the Beat Generation]
Author: Igor Tyšš
Publication year: 2017
Number of pages: 168
ISBN: 978-80-558-1237-3
Title: Mýliť sa je ľudské (ale aj strojové): analýza chýb strojového prekladu do slovenčiny [To Err is Human [But also Machine]: the Error Analysis of Machine Translation into Slovak]
Author(s): Daša Munková – Juraj Vaňko et al.
Publication year: 2017
Number of pages: 260
ISBN: 978-80-558-1255-7
Title: Tradícia a inovácia v translatologickom výskume V [Tradition and Innovation in Translation Studies Research V]
Editor(s): Martin Kažimír – Andrej Zahorák
Publication year: 2017
Number of pages: 164
ISBN: 978-80-558-1198-7
Title: Stručný slovensko-anglický teologický slovník [Brief Slovak-English Theological Dictionary]
Author(s): Edita Hornáčková Klapicová, Peter Klech
Publciation year: 2017
Number of pages: 115
ISBN: 978-80-972490-0-7
Title: Humanities Across the Borders: Further Interdisciplinary Issues
Editor(s): Edita Hornáčková Klapicová, Eva Smetanová
Publication: 2016
Number of pages: 365
ISBN: 978-84-945214-4-7
Title: Evalvácia strojového prekladu [Evaluation of Machine Translation]
Author(s): Daša Munková – Michal Munk
Publication year: 2016
Number of pages: 173
ISBN: 978-80-558-1116-1
Title: Audiovisual translation: dubbing and subtitling in the central European context
Editor(s): E. Perez – M. Kažimír
Publication year: 2016
Number of pages: 159
ISBN: 978-80-558-1088-1
Title: Audiovizuálny preklad a nepočujúci divák. Problematika titulkovania pre nepočujúcich [Audiovisual Translation and Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Viewer. The Issue of Subtitling for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing]
Author(s): E. Gromová – S. Hodáková – E. Perez – A. Zahorák
Publication year: 2015
Number of pages: 98
ISBN: 978-80-558-1119-2
Title: Teória umeleckého a prekladového textu : tradície a inovácie [Theory of Literary and Translation Text : Traditions and Innovations]
Author(s): Daniela Müglová, Mária Valentová a kol.
Publication year: 2015
Number of pages: 312
ISBN: 978-80-558-0908-3
Title: Frankofónna Afrika II. [Francophonic Africa II.]
Author(s): Chren, P. – Kopecký, P. – Grosu, G.
Publication year: 2015
Number of pages: 219
ISBN: 978-80-8153-039-5
Title: Audiovizuálny preklad 2. Za hranicami prekladu [Audiovisual Translation 2. Beyond Translation Borders]
Editor(s): Paulínyová, L. – Perez, E.
Publication year: 2015
Number of pages: 151
ISBN: 978-80-558-0923-6
Title: Základy terminologickej práce pre prekladateľov [Basics of Terminology Work for Translators]
Author(s): Oľga Wrede, Jozef Štefčík, Martin Drlík
Publication year: 2015
Number of pages: 82
ISBN: 978-80-558-0899-4
Title: Slovenská literatúra v preklade [Slovak Literature in Translation]
Editor(s): Gabriela Miššíková, Ľudmila Pánisová
Publication year: 2015
Number of pages: 158
ISBN: 978-80-558-0774-4
Title: Historical and Comparative Aspects of the English and Spanish Religious Vocabulary
Author(s): Edita Hornáčková Klapicová
Publication year: 2015
Number of pages: 162
ISBN: 978-80-8105-612-3
Title: Jazyk legislatívnych textov inštitúcií EÚ [Language of legal texts of the EU institutions]
Author(s): Lenka Michelčíková
Publication year: 2015
Number of pages: 122
ISBN: 978-80-558-0757-7
Title: Slovenská literatúra v anglickom preklade – história a súčasnosť (1832 – 2013) [Slovak Literature in English Translation – the Past and the Present (1832-2013)]
Author(s): Ľudmila Pánisová
Publication year: 2014
Number of pages: 164
ISBN: 978-80-558-0704-1
Title: Frankofónna Afrika I. [Francophonic Africa I.]
Author(s): Chren, P. – Kopecký, P.
Publication year: 2014
Number of pages: 143
ISBN: 978-80-8153-020-3
Title: Slovensko-anglicko-španielsko-taliansky obrázkový slovník [Slovak-English-Spanish-Italian Illustrated Dictionary]
Author(s): Edita Hornáčková Klapicová, Daniela Laudani
Publication year: 2014
Number of pages: 126
ISBN: 978-80-8105
Title: Audiovizuálny preklad. Výzvy a perspektívy [Audiovisual Translation. Challenges and Approaches]
Editor(s): Gromová, E. – Janecová, E.
Publication year: 2014
Number of pages: 181
ISBN: 978-80-558-0572-6
Title: Preklad a kultúra 5 (zborník abstraktov) [Translation and Culture 5 (Book of Abstracts)]
Editor(s): Igor Tyšš, Peter Chren, Zuzana Jánošíková
Publication year: 2014
Number of pages: 63
ISBN: 978-80-558-0659-4
Title: Prístupy k strojovému prekladu (modely, metódy a problémy strojového prekladu) [Approaches to Machine Translation (Models, Methods and Problems of Machine Translation)]
Author(s): Daša Munková
Publication year: 2013
Number of pages: 117
ISBN: 978-80-558-0450-7
Title: Z mozaiky slovensko-rumunských vzťahov v 20. storočí [The Mosaic of Slovak-Romanian Relations in the 20th Century]
Author(s): Peter Kopecký
Publication year: 2013
Number of pages: 252
ISBN: 978-80-8153-004-3
Title: Tvorivé prekladateľské reflexie 2. Preklad a divadlo [Creative Reflections on Translation 2: Translation and Theatre]
Author(s): Emília Janecová, Barbora Kráľová (Eds.)
Publication year: 2013
Number of pages: 117
ISBN: 978-80-558-0226-8
Title: Translácia v divadelnej komunikácii [Translation in Theatre Communication]
Author(s): Edita Gromová, Soňa Hodáková, Emília Janecová, Daniela Müglová, Antónia Filípková
Publication year: 2013
Number of pages: 112
ISBN: 978-80-558-0410-1
Title: Innovating Teaching and Learning: Reports from University Lecturers
Editor(s): Ľudmila Pánisová, Petra Muráriková
Publication year: 2013
Number of pages: 127
ISBN: 978-3-86388-034-7
Title: Tradícia a inovácia v translatologickom výskume IV : zborník zo 4. medzinárodnej konferencie doktorandov a postdoktorandov, ktorá sa uskutočnila na UKF v Nitre 12. februára 2013 [Tradition and Innovation in Translation Studies Research IV : Collection of Papers from the 4th International Conference of PhD Students and Postdoctoral Researchers at CPU in Nitra from 12th of February 2013]
Editor(s): Ján Želonka, Ľudmila Pánisová
Publication year: 2013
Number of pages: 168
ISBN: 978-80-558-0355-5
Title: Preklad a kultúra 4 [Translation and Culture 4]
Editor(s): Edita Gromová, Mária Kusá
Publication year: 2012
Number of pages: 398
ISBN: 978-80-558-0143-8
Title: Tradícia a inovácia v translatologickom výskume III : zborník z 3. medzinárodnej translatologickej konferencie doktorandov, Nitra 7. február 2012 [Tradition and Innovation in Translation Studies Research III : Collection of Papers from the 3rd International Translation Studies Conference of PhD Students, 7th of February 2012 in Nitra]
Editor(s): Ľudmila Adamová, Ján Želonka
Publication year: 2012
Number of pages: 211
ISBN: 978-80-558-0123-0
Title: Neverbálna komunikácia vo svetle konzekutívneho tlmočenia [Non-Verbal Communication during Consecutive Interpreting]
Author(s): Katarína Welnitzová
Publication year: 2012
Number of pages: 116
ISBN: 978-80-558-0077-6
Title: Interkultúrne dimenzie prekladu [Intercultural Dimensions of Translation]
Author(s): Elena Ciprianová, Martin Mačura, Michal Vančo
Publication year: 2012
Number of pages: 70
ISBN: 978-80-558-0095-0
Title: Tvorivé prekladateľské reflexie. Umelecký preklad v teórii a praxi [Creative Reflections on Translation: Artistic Translation in Theory and Practise]
Author(s): Emília Janecová, Barbora Kráľová
Publication year: 2011
Number of pages: 201
ISBN: 978-80-7399-352-8
Title: Diccionario abreviado del Cristianismo
Author(s): Jesús Álvarez Maestro, Edita Hornáčková Klapicová, José Antonio Martínez Puche
Publication year: 2011
Number of pages: 494
ISBN: 978-84-8407-977-4
Title: Tradícia a inovácia v translatologickom výskume II : zborník z 2. medzinárodnej konferencie doktorandov, ktorá sa uskutočnila 8. februára 2011 na pôde FF UKF v Nitre [Tradition and Innovation in Translation Studies Research II : Collection of Papers from the 2nd International Conference of PhD Students from 8th February 2011 at FA CPU in Nitra]
Editor(s): Csilla Molnárová, Barbora Kráľová, Emília Janecová, Ľudmila Adamová
Publication year: 2011
Number of pages: 209
ISBN: 978-80-8094-926-6
Title: John McGahern – lyrické rozkrývanie írskej identity [John McGahern: A Lyrical Insight into Irish Identity]
Author(s): Lýdia Čechová
Publication year: 2011
Number of pages: 136
ISBN: 978-80-8094-994-5
Title: Metodická príprava na súdne tlmočenie [A Methodical Approach to Court Interpreting]
Author(s): Jozef Štefčík
Publication year: 2011
Number of pages: 94
ISBN: 978-80-558-0000-4
Title: Preklad a kultúra 3 [Translation and Culture 3]
Editor(s): Mária Kusá, Edita Gromová
Publication year: 2011
Number of pages: 176
ISBN: 978-80-8095-055-2
Title: Lexikografia, preklad a teologický slovník [Lexicography, Translation and a Theological Dictionary]
Author(s): Edita Hornáčková Klapicová
Publication year: 2010
Number of pages: 216
ISBN: 978-80-8113-029-8
Title: Cvičebnica konzekutívneho tlmočenia [A Consecutive Interpreting Workbook]
Editor(s): Michal Vančo et al.
Publication year: 2010
Number of pages: 167
ISBN: 978-80-8094-731-6
Title: Cudzie jazyky s deťmi – kreatívne a hravo [Learning Foreign Languages with Children: creatively and playfully]
Author(s): Daniela Müglová et al.
Publication year: 2010
Number of pages: 113
ISBN: 978-80-8094-756-9
Title: Nová koncepcia univerzitného vzdelávania prekladateľov a tlmočníkov na Slovensku [A New Approach to Translation and Interpreting Studies at Slovak Universities]
Editor(s): Eva Dekanová
Publication year: 2010
Number of pages: 210
ISBN: 978-80-8094-746-0
Title: Tradícia a inovácia v translatologickom výskume : zborník z 1. medzinárodnej translatologickej konferencie doktorandov, Nitra 11. február 2010 [Tradition and Innovation in Translation Studies Research : Collection of Papers from the 1st International Transaltion Studies Conference of PhD Students, 11th February 2010, Nitra]
Editor(s): Barbora Kráľová, Csilla Molnárová, Ľudmila Adamová
Publication year: 2010
Number of pages: 185
ISBN: 978-80-8094-740-8
Title: Fenomén Harry Potter v recepčných súradniciach [Reception of the Harry Potter Phenomenon]
Author(s): Michal Vančo
Publication year: 2009
Number of pages: 105
ISBN: 978-80-89132-87-4
Title: Úvod do translatológie [An Introduction to Translation Studies]
Author(s): Edita Gromová
Publication year: 2009
Number of pages: 94
ISBN: 978-80-8094-627-2
Title: Komunikácia, tlmočenie, preklad alebo Prečo spadla Babylonská veža? [Communication, Interpreting, Translation, or Why did the Tower of Babel Collapse?]
Author(s): Daniela Müglová et al.
Publication year: 2009
Number of pages: 324
ISBN: 978-80-89132-82-9
Title: Present Situation of Slovak Translation Studies
Author(s): Mária Kusá, Edita Gromová, Vladimír Biloveský, Anna Valcerová, Libuša Vajdová, Alojz Keníž
Publication year: 2009
Number of pages: 104
ISSN: 1337-9275, Vol. 1, no. 4 (2009) In World Literature Studies
Title: Preklad ako hra na invariant a ekvivalenciu [Translation as a Game of Invariance and Equivalence]
Author(s): Alojz Keníž
Publication year: 2008
Number of pages: 96
ISBN: 978-80-89137-38-1
Title: Myslenie o preklade [Thinking About Translation]
Editor: Libuša Vajdová
Publication year: 2007
Number of pages: 184
ISBN: 978-80-8101-006-4
Title: Počítačom podporovaný preklad [Computer-Assisted Translation]
Author(s): Martin Mačura
Publication year: 2007
Number of pages: 75
ISBN: 978-80-8094-309-7
Title: Translatologické reflexie [Reflecting Translation]
Author(s): Edita Gromová, Jana Rakšányiová
Publication year: 2005
Number of pages: 74
ISBN: 80-969099-2-4
Title: Kultúra – interkulturalita – translácia [Culture – Interculturalism – Translation]
Author(s): Edita Gromová, Daniela Müglová
Publication year: 2005
Number of pages: 102
ISBN: 80-8050-946-8
Title: Preklad a kultúra [Translation and Culture]
Editor: Edita Gromová
Publication year: 2004
Number of pages: 218
ISBN: 80-8050-703-1
Title: Teória a didaktika prekladu [Theory and Didactics of Translation]
Author(s): Edita Gromová
Publication year: 2003
Number of pages: 190
ISBN: 80-8050-587-X
Title: Interpretácia v procese prekladu [Text Interpretation in the Translation Process]
Author(s): Edita Gromová
Publication year: 1996
Number of pages: 136
ISBN: 80-8050-076-2